Top 5 tips to use color matching cabinet accurately

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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When it comes to making a purchase, there are a lot of factors to consider. Colors are considered to be the top priority when it comes to delivering quality products to customers. Thus, to make it easy for the manufacturers to test the consistency of colors present in the products, we at Testronix have designed a high-quality lab testing instrument known as a color matching cabinet. This is one of the highly advanced lab testing instruments that has been designed with standardized and controlled lighting conditions to ensure the quality of products. Here we will discuss brief information about the Testronix color matching cabinet and how you can effectively use this lab testing instrument to test the efficiency of colors with ease. But let us discuss the importance of color matching in different industries.

What is the need for color matching in different industries?

One of the most important aspects of any product is its color. A good color match can make all the difference in the customer's experience. Not only does it look great, but it also gives customers a sense of confidence in the product. In order to ensure that your products have the perfect color match, it is important to test each one thoroughly.

Different industries have different color requirements. For instance, in the textile industry, colors need to be bright and vibrant in order to stand out. In the automotive industry, colors need to be muted so that they don't clash with other materials. This makes the same with other industries as well. It is important to have a good understanding of your target market's color preferences in order to create the perfect product.

Different batches of products can have different colors, which can cause inconsistency in the final product. If a customer notices a discrepancy in color between different batches of a product, it can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction. It is important to test and monitor the color consistency of your products in order to ensure that all batches are consistent. Thus, we at Testronix have designed high-quality lab testing instruments for matching colors efficiently. The color matching box designed by Testronix has been made in accordance with industry standards that include ISO 3664, BS 950, ASTM D 1729, DIN 6173, and much more. Besides this, the user can accurately test the colors of the product in controlled lighting conditions. You can read about the importance of color matching in different industries.

Benefits of the Color Matching Cabinet

The Testronix color matching testing instrument has been designed in such a way that it will accurately determine the color consistency of the product. This lab testing instrument has been made to make sure that the users will not face the problem of Metamerism in products. It comes with different light sources to make it easy for the users to conduct the color matching test on materials and make sure accurate products will be delivered to the customers with ease.

Below we have listed several advantages users get with the use of Testronix color matching cabinet:

  • The Testronix color matching cabinet has been designed in such a way that it provides accuracy in matching product colors.
  • This lab testing equipment comes with a wide viewing area that makes it easy for the manufacturers to conduct color-matching tests on the products.
  • The controlled and reproducible lighting conditions embedded in this lab testing instrument will help the users to test colors in different light sources.
  • One of the biggest benefits users will get with the use of this lab testing equipment is that it will help the manufacturers easily remove the problem of Metamerism in products.
  • By testing your product with Testronix color matching cabinet, the manufacturers can easily feel confident with the accuracy of colors present in the product. Thus, the rejection rates will be reduced.

These are some of the advantages of using Testronix color matching cabinet. You can read more about the benefits of color-matching cabinets and make sure to deliver accurate products to the customers.  Now, let us discuss the top 5 tips to use Testronix color matching testing equipment.

Tips to use color matching cabinet effectively

  • Whenever you conduct a color matching test on the product, make sure you accurately place the sample. This will help the user to get accurate testing results.
  • Use this lab testing instrument in an idealized environment to inspect the color difference in the product.
  • Whenever you use the Testronix color matching cabinet, make sure that there should not be any interference from external lights present.
  • You can switch to different light sources simultaneously when you test your product with the help of Testronix color matching cabinet.
  • When you use this lab testing instrument, then you should make sure that the machine will be leveled accurately so that there will be no distortion at the time of testing.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can accurately test the colors of your product and make sure that quality products are delivered to the customers.


Testing the colors of a product before you launch is an important step in ensuring that your customers have a positive experience when they purchase your product. By testing the colors, you can ensure that your products are accurately represented on all devices and that the colors render correctly on different types of backgrounds. Additionally, by testing the colors, you can make sure that there are no problems of Metamerism occurring in the product. Thus, if you want to test your sample for free with the use of Testronix color matching cabinet, then you can easily call us at +91 9313140140 or email us at Our team will assist you regarding all your needs and queries.

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