Importance of Food Colour Measurement

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Maintaining the food colour consistency is very important to maintain. Food manufacturers are not only making good edible items, but these items should leave a mark on its consumers’ mind. Choosing the right ingredients with right colours is very important. Random selection would result in a discrepancy in the colour of the food items. For instance, if the cereal manufacturer is not keeping a tab on the selection of grains, there would discrepancy in the production of every batch that is being produced. This disparity is eventually gets noticed by the consumer and raise questions about the quality of cereals.

Ingredients that are being colour tested can be in any form. They could be grains, powder, liquids or flakes. Thus, smart devices are required that can test the colours of a different form of food appropriately. Apart from colour, opacity is another major concern, especially in liquids like sauce, syrups, honey etc. Liquids are usually judged by the way they are allowing the light to pass through them. Thus, food colour measurement devices that you are opting must be capable of testing different form of foods and different properties of food.

A colour measuring device must be capable of measuring following properties

  • Colour
  • Transparency
  • Glossiness

Colour is an important attribute of food and severely impact the buying decision of consumers. New players often find it difficult to make their mark in the market. Because either they are unaware of the importance of food colour measurement or unaware of the technologies that support in achieving colour consistency. Testronix offers a broad range of food colours measurement solutions such as spectrophotometers, Precision colour measurement devices, portable colour measurement solutions, colour matching cabinets and many more. The testing instruments firmly measure the colours of the food products. These testing devices help to ascertain highly accurate testing machines.

If you are unsure about the requirement of food colour testing instruments in your industry, just call us. We would help you in understanding the importance of colour measurement and helps you in choosing the right instrument for your industry. Just call us or drop an inquiry, we would get back to you shortly.

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