How to Test PET Bottle Quality with Top Load Tester?

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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PET bottles are used to store various types of liquids such as water, juice, and soft drinks. PET is a type of plastic that has many advantages over a glass or metal containers. For example, it can be molded into shapes for easy stacking and storage. It is also lighter in weight than glass or metal so it's easier to transport the product across long distances by truck or train.

The quality of any product can be affected if processes are not followed correctly at all stages during production, packaging, and distribution. Therefore, it is very important to make sure you use quality PET bottles for packaging. You can make use of Testronix Top Load Tester to determine the quality of the material. Here in this blog, we are going to provide you with information about the top load testing process that will help you to determine the force, PET bottle can withstand. So, let us get started.

What is a top load tester and how does it work?

The performance of packaging jars and containers must be tested with proper testing instruments so that the best quality of containers could be provided to the clients. The top load tester is used for testing the load-bearing capacity of the PET containers when they are subjected to an extreme load from the top direction. Testronix offers highly advanced top-load testers for testing the load-bearing capacity of PET containers for better quality assurance. The instrument is capable enough to determine accurately the maximum load that a PET container can bear without any deformation or failure.

The main purpose of the Testronix top load tester is to determine how much buckling load a product can withstand so that it will not get deformed. When you purchase Presto top load tester digital model then you will get the operation fully automatic and motorized. The digital display offered with the instrument offers an easy reading of the test results with better accuracy. The instrument offered by presto is equipped with efficient jaws that are designed to provide a better grip on the test samples. Along with that, there is a load cell provided with the instrument for accurate measurement of the force applied to the test sample.

Working of top load tester by Testronix

To ensure that the PET bottle should bear the top load easily, you should test it first. For this, you can make use of Testronix top load tester. It can bear the maximum load of 100 Kgf and can run with the test speed of 25 mm/min. It can easily bear the top load and comes with a safety feature like movable limit switch rings and up and down units are fixed. Thus, with the help of Presto top load tester, bottle manufacturers can easily determine the load capacity of PET bottles. Here we have created some steps for using this top load testing machine.

  • Once you turn on the machine by plugging it into a 5 amp, 220 Volts AC, you need to place the PET bottle between the compression plates of this testing machine.
  • You should make sure that the bottle is placed in the center of the compression plate for accurate results.
  • Once you place the specimen, then you should bring the lower compression in the upper direction and exert a small preload on the bottle to eliminate any air gap between the compression plate and bottle.
  • In the next step, bring the lower compression in the upper direction and exert a small preload on the bottle to eliminate any air gap between the compression plate and bottle and commence the test.

These are the steps you can follow for determining the PET bottle quality with a top load tester. This test is the best way to avoid any costly PET bottle damages. We recommend you use a PET bottle tester like Testronix Top Load Tester to make sure that you deliver breakage-free bottles. For more assistance, you can call us at +91-9210 903 903  or email us at

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