How to Choose the Right Bursting Strength Tester & Why is BST Important for Box Manufacturers?

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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As a box manufacturer, ensuring the quality and durability of your products is crucial to maintaining customer satisfaction. One essential tool that can help you achieve this goal is a bursting strength tester (BST). BST measures the force required to burst a box or carton, providing valuable insights into its structural integrity. 

In this blog post, we will discuss what BST is, why it's important for box manufacturers, tips for choosing the right one, as well as how to use it effectively. Plus, we'll explore the benefits of using a bursting strength tester and provide insight on calculating Bursting Index and Bursting Strength - all of which are key components in achieving top-quality control in your manufacturing process.

What is BST and why is it important for box manufacturers?

A bursting strength tester, or BST, is a device used to measure the amount of force required to rupture or burst a box. 

√ This test provides valuable information about the structural integrity and durability of boxes and cartons. For box manufacturers, having an accurate understanding of their product's bursting strength is crucial for maintaining quality control.
√ BST plays an important role in ensuring that packaging materials meet certain industry standards such as ECT (Edge Crush Test) and Mullen Burst Test. These tests are necessary to ensure that packaging can withstand various forms of stress during manufacturing processes like stacking, shipping, handling etc.
√ The high-quality boxes produced through proper testing methods not only protect products from damage but also improve customer satisfaction by providing safe delivery. 
√ Moreover, effective use of BST eliminates any guesswork involved in measuring a box’s ability to resist bursting under pressure.

Using a reliable BST helps manufacturers achieve consistent results with their production while reducing costs associated with inefficient operations caused by low-quality products.

Tips for choosing the right bursting strength tester

When it comes to choosing the right bursting strength tester (BST) for your box manufacturing business, there are several factors that you need to consider. Here are some tips that can help you choose the best BST:
1. Consider your testing needs: You should take into account the type of boxes or cartons that you manufacture and determine what kind of BST will be suitable for them.
2. Look for reliability: Since a BST is an expensive investment, ensure its durability before buying it. Check whether it has been tested thoroughly and if there have been any complaints about its performance.
3. Ease of use: The machine should be easy to operate and maintain by all employees in your company who might use it.
4. Cost-effective options: It's always wise to look at different models within your budget range while also keeping quality in mind.
5. User reviews: Before making a purchase, read user reviews online or ask other businesses in the same industry about their experience with particular brands and models of BSTs.
By following these tips, you can find an appropriate BST that fits well into your production process and helps improve overall product quality control standards.

Benefits of using a bursting strength tester

There are many benefits to using a bursting strength tester (BST) for box manufacturers. First and foremost, BST is an essential tool in quality control for measuring the strength of corrugated boxes and other packaging materials.

Using a BST can help ensure that your products meet industry standards and customer expectations. By identifying weaknesses or defects early on, you can save time and money by avoiding costly product recalls or returns.

Another benefit of using a BST is improved efficiency. With accurate measurements from a BST, you can optimize your production process by selecting the most suitable materials for each job. This not only ensures high-quality finished products but also helps reduce waste and increase profitability.

In addition to these practical benefits, using a BST can also enhance your company's reputation as one that values quality control and customer satisfaction. Investing in proper testing equipment shows that you take pride in producing durable packaging solutions that protect valuable goods during transit.

Incorporating a bursting strength tester into your manufacturing process provides numerous advantages that ultimately lead to higher profits and increased customer loyalty.

How to use a bursting strength tester

Using a bursting strength tester is an essential quality control step in the manufacturing of boxes and cartons. Here's how to use it properly:

1. Begin by setting up your equipment as per the manufacturer's instructions, making sure that all instruments are calibrated correctly.
2. Cut out a sample from the box or carton you want to test, ensuring that it is at least 25mm wider than the clamping area of the testing apparatus.
3. Next, place your sample between the two circular clamps on either side of the machine and secure them tightly in place.
4. Engage with your machine controls to gradually increase pressure until your sample ruptures, taking note of both its Bursting Index (BI) and Bursting Strength (BS).
5. Record these values accurately for future reference and compare them against industry standards or other boxes within your production line.

By following these steps carefully when using a bursting strength tester, manufacturers can ensure they maintain high-quality standards while detecting any potential weaknesses in their products early on during production processes.

Calculation of Bursting Index and Bursting Strength

When it comes to measuring the strength of a box or carton, two key factors come into play: bursting index and bursting strength. The bursting index is determined by dividing the bursting strength by the grammage (weight per unit area) of the paperboard used in manufacturing.

To calculate the bursting strength, a machine called a Bursting Strength Tester (BST) is used. This machine applies pressure to an area of the sample until it bursts. The maximum force that can be applied before this happens is recorded as its bursting strength.

The calculation of these values plays an important role in quality control for box manufacturers as it allows them to determine if their boxes meet industry standards and customer requirements. It also helps identify weak points in their packaging design so they can make improvements.
Understanding how to calculate both the bursting index and bursting strength using a BST is crucial for ensuring that your boxes are strong enough to withstand shipping and handling without damage or failure.


Choosing the right bursting strength tester is crucial for any box manufacturer who wants to ensure their products meet the industry standards. With so many options available, it's important to keep in mind the factors that matter most: accuracy, precision, and reliability. Make sure you choose a BST that can handle your specific needs and provides consistent results.

By investing in a high-quality BST, you'll be able to accurately determine the strength of your boxes and cartons which will help reduce costly returns or damaged goods. Additionally, improved quality control through regular testing with a BST can help build trust with customers by providing them with sturdy packaging that protects their products during transit.
Remember, when it comes to box and carton strength testing - quality matters! So, take the time to do your research before making any purchase decisions and for any further assistance and help in customizing your Bursting Strength Tester, contact us!

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