Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)
The automotive market all over the world depends on the delicate balance of global supply networks for aftermarket components. To meet the demands of the customer’s products must reveal consistent color harmony. This requires accurately checking and measuring the colors by using different color measuring solutions and by following measuring technology between locations and at assembly sites as well. Testronix manufactures a broad range of color checkers for color checking, verification and for assuring the quality as well as software that permits the manufacturers to produce real-time statistics that accelerate processing.
Color checker works on the basis of color checker charts. It is a rectangular color measuring which includes 24 patches in a 4 x 6 grid, each slightly less than 2 inches square. The chart is surrounded by a black boundary and designed on a smooth paper using matte paints. Six of the designed patches arrangement depicts a uniform gray lightness scale, and another six represents the primary colors that explain the chemical photographic processes such as blue, magenta, red, cyan, green, and yellow. The remaining patches of the color arrangement include approximation of medium dark, medium light, human skin, the front of a typical leaf, sky blue, and a blue chicory flower. The rest were subjectively chosen to represent an array “of general interest and utility for common test purposes”, though the yellow and orange patch arrangements are similarly colored to typical lemons and oranges.
Testronix manufactures a wide range of color checkers for measuring the colors of automotive paints and coating. To select the most appropriate device that suits your application, visit: