Different Types of Colorimeters

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Colorimeters are the best measurement instruments as compared to other color measurement device, as they are offers best features at low cost. As such, they are usually used as quality control devices in an application such as strength determination, color difference, shade determination, shade sorting, fastness determination, and are the some of them to name. The simplicity and cost benefits, however, be considered against several serious advantages. The colorimeters measure the different values for one source of light and one observer. But in some cases, it becomes impossible for the observer to detect or quantify the color in different lighting conditions as it causes the problem of metamerism.  Therefore, the colorimeters are used in the areas where the colors of a product are measured with the standard color with the same instruments. The devices are used to save numerous records.


Portable Spectrocolorimeters are a hybrid instrument which is capable enough of providing colorimetric data such as or CIEL*a*b* values to measure the accurate and reliable colors for numerous standard illuminants. With respect to this, these are the highly capable and high-quality color measurement instruments as compared to that of colorimeters. These devices are priced a bit higher as compared to that of regular colorimeters but are less expensive than the spectrophotometers. The difference in the price has been practically eliminated because of the availability of spectrocolorimeters. These instruments look like spectrophotometers. These are used for numerous applications to measure the color of solids, liquids, pastes, etc. to determine the actual color of the products.

To check out the entire range of colorimeters, visit: www.testronixinstruments.com/

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