Cosmetics Color Measurement Instruments1

ISO-9001:2015 Certified Company
  • Measures the Colors of Beauty

    Everybody knows that color is a very critical factor that helps to select perfect skin toning and cosmetics products. Cosmetic manufacturers and retailers continuously make essential changes in their production to meet consumer demands and to offer them a new range of products. The changes in cosmetic industries are done only by making certain changes in the colors of the products. Testronix offers the best color measurement technology to ensure the best color consistency for ideal skin tone.

    Best Colors for You– As Beauty & Appearance Matters

    Developing self-image is an important factor for human beings to look good. In the world of modernization, everyone wants to enhance their beauty by choosing best cosmetic products for themselves as per their skin tone. In fact, 80% of women say that they would preferably change the color of their foundation if they could find a better option. Testronix helps their customers by delivering best cosmetic color measurement devices that contributes in measuring color consistency as well as in better evaluation of the colors for a perfect cosmetic product.

    Cosmetic Color Measurement -Based Products for Better Color Measurement

    Testronix offers a broad range of portable color measurement devices that helps in determining, calculating, storing and retrieving color measurement related information through the instruments. The instruments are based on exclusive illumination technology that can read and capture an accurate color of the skin tone and provide the best foundation color for your skin. It is very easy to use, measure, evaluate and recommend the best color as per the requirements. The instrument perfectly measures the skin tone and automatically displays the best matching shade of the product that will be the best one for your skin. Moreover, you can also view the closely matched color shade options to make your customer a Happy Client!

    Easy to Use - Testronix’s color measurement instruments are easy to use as they are intuitive and require minimum training to operate. The instruments are also provided with the onboard tutorial to operate the devices easily.

    Quick and Accurate - Preview the sample area carefully before measuring the colors to offer rapid and highly accurate test results.

    Portable & highly Convenient – The instrument can be carried wherever you need it. It’s a lightweight testing instrument which is powered by Lithium-ion battery.

    Saves Data and Saves Time too – Stores completely customized features that save the data automatically and displays the results quickly that saves a lot of time.

    Offers best Color Selection – The color matching instruments accurately examine the skin tone in delivering the highly accurate color matches

    Enhances Cross Sell Opportunity – Quickly identify matching color palettes for other cosmetic products.

  • Color Measurement - Base or Foundation in Cosmetic Industry to build Business

    Testronix instruments help to create various color measurement opportunities to build your business. By offering the highly sophisticated Testronix color measuring instruments, in the hands of the customers, will simplify their requirement of selection and helps you to enhance your sale. Customers now can easily eliminate the color measurement error by doing an extremely accurate choice of the colors with the help of the color measurement. The instruments also assist to reduce trial and error and gain the best position in terms of quality by offering best match and complementary color matching solutions. This will result in enhancing the sale and building brand loyalty using these unique and customized measurement solutions.

    Best Support & Solution When Required

    Apart from satisfying the need of your customers with positive feedback, we also take care of your queries too. You can get full support from our highly skilled and experienced technocrats for all your queries anytime you need it.

  • We provide the facility of creating product database which can be maintained completely in our laboratories.
  • We offer color proofing of your color collections
  • Color palette building and color synchronization recommendations
  • Mapping color of your product ranges
  • Customization of the device according to the application and customer requirement.
  • Warranty extensions and field support
  • Tools Used in Cosmetic Industry to Monitor the Colors at Every Step of Production

    Portable Products

    Testronix offers a highly accurate and precise color measurement instruments that help to measure the consistency of the colors. These instruments include TP110, TP310, TP800 portable spectrophotometers.

    Benchtop Instruments

    Apart from the Portable instruments, Testronix also offers a highly accurate and reliable Benchtop model i.e. Color matching cabinet. Testronix design and manufacture three different models of the color matching cabinet as per Asia Spectrum, USA spectrum, and Euro Spectrum. It is an extremely effective color measurement instrument that helps to eradicate the problem of metamerism. The device is used for a large number of applications to fulfill the color measurement requirements.


Testronix offers highly advanced quality management software that maintains the color consistency of various products.


Testronix offers a broad range of accessories that enhance the performance of the color measurement instruments and enhances the quality. The various accessories provided by testronix instruments are Powder Test Box, Built-in White Calibration, Universal Test components, 8mm Extended Measuring Aperture.

Enhance Beauty with Elegant Colors

The Cosmetic industry contains enormous challenges that offer best opportunities for the development of to enhance the beauty by offering various solutions using different color strategies. Color plays a significant role in cosmetic industries by offering many beauty options to the customers.

Testronix offers the best cosmetic color measurement solutions to solve color measurement-related problems. Now, it is easy to control the consistency and the color of various cosmetics products like foundations, lipsticks, etc. For more information, visit