Chemical Color Measurement1

ISO-9001:2015 Certified Company

Color Measurement Instruments for Chemicals

Chemicals are used in various industries to design and manufacture a broad range of customer goods and are essentially used in some industries like agriculture, food, manufacturing, life sciences, construction and many service industries. From fertilizers to petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals, polymers to plastic, the manufacturers from these industries rely on the Testronix’s solutions to ensure the color consistency and quality of the products.

Whether you need to measure the consistency of colors of polymers, petrochemical, colorants, pigments, solvents, resins, minerals or detergents, Testronix is known for best solution to measure the consistency of colors of the chemicals. Measuring the color to enhance the quality of the visual perception through indices and critical metrics that includes Yellowness, Whiteness, and Haze are made economic and simple to ensure the quality and consistency of colors of the chemical that are supplied all over the world.

Testronix offers best chemical color measurement solutions in various industries that includes portable color measurement instruments, spectrophotometers, precision instruments, benchtop models and other tailored solution to fulfill the demand of the customers with either low budget or high budget.

Testronix Expertise and Leading Innovations

The technocrats at Testronix are dedicated to offering best color measurement solutions all over the world through their designs, highly sophisticated instruments, and their representation. Testronix is fulfilling the requirements of the customers all over the world from last several decades as they possess the years of experience in manufacturing and designing quality testing instruments. We at Testronix offers wide range of comprehensive solutions to the customers in the form of complete package of resources, full range of chemical color measurement instruments, accessories, software and proper training and services to the customers to educate them regarding the use of the device for a particular application.