Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)
Edible oil are the major source of nutrition and is healthy for human body. They not only makes our food cooked and tasty, they also produces required fatty acids and good cholesterols to keep the body sound. The color quality of edible oil says a lot and is must checked using color measurement devices.
Precision Color Matching TP310 is a hi-tech color measurement device which light weighted and portable in nature. The equipment can be carried anywhere and is used for testing at any location. Functions using high-end color sensors and numerous color channels as per the global color measurement standards. The device complies with CIE test Standards. Uses unique camera locating feature for highly accurate testing. Allows Illumination locating facility for ease of operation.
The entire device is software program based, ensuring zero changes of test errors or faulty results. Equipped with automated black and even white calibration facility which can conducted easily. Uses variety of color spaces for functioning. Suitable for testing Whiteness, Yellowness and Color Fastness in products. Can be used for edible oils along with universal test component. The component is a part of the color measurement accessory. It is used to place powdered and liquid substances so that the device can be placed on the component surface and test the color quality of the sample.
To initiate the test the sample is first poured in the universal test component, and beside that the device is placed near the aperture. Fixed test parameters, are saved in the device and can be used during test process. Just start the test and you can see the readings.