Test Color of Cosmetics Using Spectrophotometer

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Cosmetics market offers a wide range of choices. Many people stick to a basic color palette that suits their look and style. Repeatability in cosmetic manufacturing is an essential part of quality. Color cosmetics are based on effective and consistent color measurement to assure color matching. A Portable Spectrophotometer is a device used to save time and resources to give reliable color monitoring at each level of manufacturing.

Various methods are used to measure color cosmetics. Color measurement is important to satisfy customer needs. Specific color matching is based upon the skin tone and application. Slight variations are difficult to detect with the human eye. Manufacturers of color cosmetics use a spectrophotometer to create specific formulations that rely on calculations provided this analysis.

Cosmetic products such as complexion care creams, foundation etc. have become more balanced for every skin shade. Earlier cosmetics were designed for two or three shades. But, things have changed with the innovation of advanced color measurement equipment. With spectrophotometer, it is easier to get accurate skin tones. The most famous color measurement brand, Testronix have introduced Portable Spectrophotometer to conduct a high variety of color measurement on various samples. It deals with several ranges of wavelength. The device detects the reflection from the sample surface.

The device is quite efficient to detect the problem of metamerism. It is designed as per several international color measurement standards like ASTM E313, AATCC, CIE, CNS, ASTM D1925 standards. With its touchscreen display, the screen is used for monitoring color value detection. The precision is based on performing a large number of repeatable tests. The functions of 45/0 degree optical geometry that is the same as human eye vision.

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