Need of Colour Matching Cabinet in Textile Industries

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Testing of textiles varies from application to application. For instance, in case of industrial fabrics manufacturers are more concerned with the strength of the material instead of colour related properties. 

However, in case of apparels, manufacturer is more concerned with the colour related properties instead of strength. This is why apparels manufacturers are investing huge money for achieving colour consistency in different product range. Instrumental analysis is now taking up the visual analysis process which was creating too many discrepancies and requires lot of time. With the usage of colour matching devices better results are obtained and product cycle has reduced to an extent.

How to Achieve the Best Colour Consistency?

 Colour matching cabinet is one device which is widely used in almost every textile industry, irrespective of the application. This device helps in curbing the effect of Metamerism, which is a phenomenon of difference in appearance of an object under different lighting conditions. Below are some tips mentioned to get the best results for attaining the high level of the consistency.

While using a colour matching cabinet, it is very important that observations are being made in the dark room. Any light in the room, be it natural or artificial, would interfere with the testing process and may result in inaccurate visual analysis. It is always advised to perform the test with artificial lights off and blinding the natural light sources.

Since human interference is there, it is always advised to follow the perception of more than 1 human involved. Consultation with more than one person to judge the right colour is the best way to get the accurate results. In certain labs, there is a predefined team of observers who share their opinion after visual analysis.

Right placement of sample is utmost important. Usually, the colour is observed differently due to impact of shadow or angle of placement. It is always advised to keep the sample at the angle of 45° so that it remain unaffected by shadows or lights.

From Where to Get the Colour Matching Cabinet?

Textronix is the leading manufacturer of Cabinets used for Colour Matching in textile samples. Call our experts today and ask for technical specifications. If you are still unsure how to make the best use of the CMC, just drop an inquiry we would get back to you at the earliest.

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