Best Quality Spectrophotometer for Food Color Quality Assessment

Reviewed by Anurag Mishra (Sr. Technical Consultant)

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Importance of Color Measurement in Food Industries

Objectively controlling and deciding actual color shade always starts by following a process. It requires appropriate attention for measuring colors from raw materials to final products. Similarly, in food processing industries, it is necessary to calculate the color of food products, to produce naturally healthy, tasty and appealing food items. Processed food products require analysis and monitoring of colors at the time of cooking, baking, deep freezing or roasting. The color of the products changes with the change in temperature, time, etc. Whether it is about checking the degree of sweetness, ripeness of fruits, the red color of tomato ketchup or dark brown color of chocolates, the customer decide to buy the product only after viewing it.

Use & Benefits of Portable Spectrophotometers

Because of this, color measurement instruments such as portable spectrophotometers are used to control the quality of food and beverages such as noodles, dairy products, snacks, jams, ketchup, cakes, biscuits, and many more.  The food items that we buy nowadays are displayed on the shelves in supermarkets and are manufactured using color measuring instruments. These devices help to maintain the color of the product at the time of processing to preserve the quality of the products.

Technical Specification of Portable Spectrophotometers

The spectrophotometers are designed using silicon photoelectric diode sensor. The instrument measures the sample from the orientation of 10 degree and 2 degree. The device works on numerous color spaces i.e. CIELAB, L*a*b*, CIE LUV, LCh, XYZ, Yxz, LAB&WI&YI  and many more. The diameter of the aperture is 8nm. The instrument offers highly accurate test results.

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